A Note From Dr. Miller
Why I created Sorlex
As a naturopathic medicine student, I cured my mother's fibromyalgia and my own colitis using homeopathy, sparking a deep passion for this field. My education at The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, alongside courses with renowned homeopaths like Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Jan Scholten, and Louis Klein, honed my expertise.
In my first year of practice, I encountered numerous cold sore sufferers dissatisfied with conventional treatments like Abreva. Driven by a desire to find a better solution, I combined traditional and contemporary homeopathic analysis techniques to develop Sorlex, a homeopathic remedy for Herpes labialis (cold sores). The results were remarkable, and I felt compelled to share this effective solution with others.
Other naturopathic doctors began using Sorlex with their patients, and the consistent success reinforced its potential. Sorlex not only offers a superior alternative in the cold sore market but also challenges the skepticism towards homeopathy in the biomedical community.
"I have extremely high standards for the products I use, let alone those I design. Due to the reproducible and reliable results of Sorlex, I’m incredibly proud to bring this product to those who can truly benefit from it."
—Dr. David Miller, HSBc, N.D., Designer and Developer of Sorlex